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Virtual Reality Innovative Use Cases and Apps Across Various Industries

The concept of virtual reality (VR) has been around for several decades, with early ideas and experiments dating back to the 1960s and 1970s. This technology uses computer-generated simulations or environments to create an immersive user experience, typically delivered through a headset or similar device. Despite its long history, it wasn't until the 1990s that VR became more widely accessible to the public. Back then, VR gained more attention and popularity due to the increased interest from the gaming and entertainment industries. These industries were among the first to incorporate VR and remain the strongest examples of how it can be applied. However, VR has since evolved and expanded beyond gaming, with new hardware and software innovations enabling its use in fields such as education, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and more. Let's explore some of the most notable VR use cases available across various industries and software apps.

Virtual Reality in Education

Imagine a world where students are no longer limited by the resources available to them in their physical environments. With VR, they can step into immersive simulations that transport them to other times, places, and dimensions and interact with the world in ways that would be impossible or impractical in the real world. They can explore the depths of the ocean, journey to the center of the Earth, see plants grow at an accelerated pace, witness the formation of a galaxy closer to a black hole, or even travel through time to witness key historical events firsthand.

In this world, learning becomes a truly personalized experience. Students can adjust the pace, style, and level of difficulty of their virtual experiences to suit their individual needs and interests and receive instant feedback and guidance from intelligent algorithms and expert tutors. They can explore complex systems and phenomena that cross traditional boundaries between subjects, such as, for instance, the interplay of economics and environmental science in developing sustainable energy solutions. They can work on real-world problems and challenges, from climate change to public health, and apply their knowledge and skills to positively impact society. They can collaborate with peers worldwide, share their creations and discoveries, and build their own virtual worlds and ecosystems.

In this world, education is a means to a lifelong journey of discovery and growth. And the potential of VR to unlock creativity, curiosity, and empathy in learners of all ages and backgrounds is immense. With immersive and interactive experiences, VR can enhance the retention and understanding of complex concepts. Realistic simulations offer memorable experiences that help learners retain knowledge, while personalized and adaptive learning experiences can improve learning outcomes and provide immediate feedback. Additionally, interactive learning experiences can increase student engagement and motivation, making learning more enjoyable and effective.

Here are some of the top VR apps for immersive learning available so far:

  • Google Expeditions - a VR app that allows students to explore and learn about different parts of the world through immersive 360-degree experiences. The app offers a range of guided tours, such as exploring the Great Barrier Reef or walking through ancient Rome, which can help to bring history, geography, and science lessons to life.

  • Nearpod VR - a VR app that provides interactive lessons and immersive learning experiences for students. Teachers can use the app to create their own VR lessons, which can include 3D models, videos, and other multimedia content. The app also contains pre-made lessons on various subjects, such as space exploration and the human body.

  • Engage - a VR app that allows students to attend virtual classes and interact with teachers and other students in a virtual classroom environment. The app includes features such as whiteboards, polling, and Q&A sessions, which can help to create an interactive and engaging learning experience.

  • Unimersiv - a VR educational platform that offers a variety of VR experiences designed to educate and inspire learners of all ages. The app features immersive experiences in fields such as history, science, and art. Users can explore the Great Wall of China, visit the International Space Station, or explore ancient Egypt, among other experiences.

Virtual Reality in Healthcare

VR already has multiple applications for healthcare. For example, psychiatrists already use VR in cognitive behavior therapy to treat patients with social anxieties, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD), or phobias of things like flying or heights. VR provides a safe and controlled environment for patients to confront their fears in a more controlled manner while healthcare professionals monitor and adjust treatment in real time. VR helps with the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered from an injury or illness by providing a controlled environment for practicing movements and exercises, which can help them regain strength and mobility. For instance, it is used to treat the phantom limb pain of people who have lost limbs. The therapy uses sensors that pick up on nerve inputs from the brain, and patients have to complete a game using a virtual limb. 

VR has enormous potential in healthcare. For medical training, VR can simulate medical procedures and surgeries, allowing medical students to practice in a safe and controlled environment without putting actual patients at risk. It can also help surgeons learn and practice complex procedures more quickly and safely, reducing the need for expensive simulators. On top of this, it can be helpful for healthcare professionals to train for high-risk situations or emergencies. In pain management, VR can be used as a non-pharmacological approach to managing pain. By providing an immersive VR experience, patients can be distracted from their pain or discomfort; in some cases, the perception of pain can even be reduced. VR can simulate medical scenarios for medical research, allowing researchers to test new treatments, procedures, and equipment without real patients. VR-based patient care can also reduce hospital readmissions and length of stay, leading to significant cost savings.

Here are some of the top VR apps for healthcare and how they are being used:

  • Osso VR - a surgical training platform that uses VR technology to simulate realistic surgical procedures. Medical professionals can use this app to practice surgical procedures in a safe and controlled environment. Osso VR offers haptic feedback, a feature that enables users to feel the sensation of surgical tools, which adds to the realism of the experience. This app is particularly useful for surgeons who need to practice complex procedures or those who want to refresh their skills.

  • VRHealth - a platform that offers a range of VR-based healthcare solutions, including pain management, physical therapy, and mental health treatment. VRHealth uses interactive and immersive VR experiences to support patients in their recovery and rehabilitation journey. For example, patients with chronic pain can use VRHealth to distract themselves from their pain, while those undergoing physical therapy can use VR simulations to improve their range of motion and build strength.

  • ImmersiveTouch - a VR-based surgical planning and guidance platform that helps surgeons to visualize and plan complex surgeries. This app uses 3D imaging and VR technology to provide a detailed and immersive view of a patient's anatomy, which can help surgeons to plan their procedures and anticipate challenges. ImmersiveTouch can be used to plan surgeries for various conditions, including brain tumors, spinal deformities, and joint replacements.

  • KindVR - a VR-based mental health treatment platform that uses immersive experiences to help patients with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. The app uses VR simulations to create calming and relaxing environments, such as a peaceful beach or a quiet forest. Patients can use KindVR to learn coping strategies and relaxation techniques that they can apply in their everyday lives.

Virtual Reality in Design and Architecture

VR has revolutionized the design industry by providing designers, architects, and engineers unprecedented creativity and control. One of the most significant impacts of VR has been the ability to make 3D modeling and visualization more accessible and effortless. Instead of just visualizing a building or space, designers can use VR to experience how it will look and feel. For example, a client can virtually step inside a space and make real-time changes before it is physically created, saving time and money for both the client and the architect/designer. It also allows designers to test different design options and identify potential flaws before construction or realization begins, saving time and resources. In product design, designers can use VR apps to create 3D models of products and test them in a virtual environment, identifying design flaws and making necessary changes before manufacturing. VR also enables remote collaboration, allowing designers and architects to work together in real time from anywhere. It has greatly streamlined the design process, as multiple team members can review and modify designs simultaneously. 

Additionally, VR can be used for simulation and testing, allowing architects to create virtual environments that simulate real-world conditions such as lighting, acoustics, and weather. VR technology can be used to create interactive and engaging virtual tours of buildings or interior spaces, allowing clients or stakeholders to explore the design in a more immersive way. This usage can also find its application in the real estate industry. Overall, the immersive and interactive experience that VR provides can lead to increased satisfaction and better outcomes for clients and designers alike.

Here are some of the best VR apps for 3D modeling and visualization:

  • Gravity Sketch - a 3D modeling app that allows designers to create 3D models in a virtual environment. With a range of tools and features, designers can quickly and easily develop complex 3D models with high levels of detail.

  • IrisVR - a VR app that allows architects and designers to create immersive VR experiences for their designs. With features such as virtual walkthroughs and real-time rendering, designers can create stunning visualizations of their designs and share them with clients and stakeholders.

  • Fuzor - a powerful VR app that allows architects and construction professionals to create interactive 3D models of buildings. It uses various advanced technologies, including real-time rendering, 4D scheduling, and artificial intelligence, to provide users with an immersive and interactive experience. It means that architects and designers can use Fuzor to not only visualize their designs in 3D but also simulate the construction process and schedule, as well as identify and resolve potential conflicts or issues.

  • Enscape - a real-time 3D rendering and visualization software primarily used in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries. It allows designers and architects to quickly and easily create high-quality 3D visualizations of their designs, allowing clients and stakeholders to experience the space more realistically.

Virtual Reality in Collaboration and Events

Thanks to the emergence of virtual reality (VR), people can now meet and collaborate in virtual spaces, whether for personal or business purposes. For instance, VR technology can enable a father who is away on military service or living abroad to virtually attend the birth of their child and participate in the experience. Additionally, VR can allow people to be present at the bedside of a dying relative, despite being physically distant.  

The pandemic has accelerated the use of VR in events, conferences, and meetings, allowing individuals from anywhere in the world to connect as if they were in the same physical space. VR collaboration tools can help remote or hybrid meetings become just as effective as face-to-face meetings without the need for costly travel. This technology provides an immersive and interactive experience that can help individuals work together seamlessly, regardless of their location. Overall, the ability of VR to unite people irrespective of their location or other challenges is one of the most remarkable and beneficial uses of the technology.

VR will likely play an even more significant role in collaboration and events. With VR, people can attend conferences, trade shows, and other events without traveling physically. Attendees can participate in keynotes and breakout sessions and interact with exhibitors virtually. It can make events more accessible to people who cannot attend in person and reduce travel expenses and carbon emissions. VR can offer more immersive and interactive collaboration experiences. Teams can work together in a shared virtual environment, even if they are located in different parts of the world. It can help increase productivity and allow for more flexible work arrangements. Companies can use VR to launch and showcase new products more engagingly and interactively. Customers can explore and interact with new products virtually, and companies can collect valuable feedback on new products before launching them. While VR may not fully replace physical events and interactions, it can definitely offer new and exciting opportunities for people to connect and work together in a more immersive and engaging way.

Here are some of the best VR apps for collaboration and training:

  • Engage - a VR platform already mentioned above can be used by businesses to collaborate and conduct training sessions in a virtual environment. With Engage, users can create virtual rooms, customize their avatars, and collaborate with others in real time.

  • Glue - a VR platform that provides businesses with a virtual space where employees can collaborate, communicate, and learn. With Glue, users can participate in meetings, workshops, and training sessions, all within a virtual environment.

  • Virtway Events - a VR platform that provides businesses with a virtual space to hold events, training sessions, and product launches. With Virtway Events, users can create virtual booths, interact with attendees, and showcase their products and services in an immersive environment.

  • MeetinVR - a VR platform providing all the tools to meet with team members or customers and host events, workshops, and training sessions in the metaverse.

  • vSpatial - a VR software application that provides users with a virtual workspace that they can use to collaborate with others, attend virtual meetings, and manage their work tasks. vSpatial allows users to access and interact with their desktop applications and files in a VR environment, making it easier to multitask and be productive. It also has features like voice recognition, virtual whiteboards, and screen sharing to facilitate user collaboration and communication.

Virtual Reality in Retail

The retail industry has taken a step further in enhancing the online shopping experience for consumers by integrating VR technology after the initial integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and 3D technology. Unlike AR, which overlays digital content onto the real world, VR creates an entirely virtual world for users to experience. As a result, a new subcategory of e-commerce known as V-commerce has emerged, fusing e-commerce, retail, and VR technologies to create an immersive and engaging shopping experience. V-commerce aims to offer customers a shopping experience that closely simulates real-world shopping. 

The current impact of VR on the retail industry is still in its very early stages, but some retailers are already using VR to enhance their customers' shopping experiences. For example, home furnishing stores and fashion retailers use VR to allow customers to visualize how furniture and clothes would look in their homes or on them before making a purchase. Additionally, some retailers use VR to create virtual stores, allowing customers to browse and shop from the comfort of their homes. In April 2022, H&M had its first-ever virtual showroom in connection with the launch of the new collection. The digital space allowed the press and media to engage in a fully immersive experience, with the ability to stroll around, interact with other attendees, and peruse the virtual collection. The showcase was presented in ultra-realistic detail, featuring photo-realistic 3D rendered cloth materials and animated garments that realistically simulated the movement of the advanced materials. As another example, Alibaba has developed its Buy+ VR Store, which is a virtual reality shopping platform that allows customers to browse and purchase products in a fully immersive VR environment. Buy+ is still in beta, and Alibaba has not announced a release date.

In the future, online shopping is set to undergo a significant transformation with the emergence of the metaverse. With advanced body-scanning technologies and virtual reality shopping environments, customers will soon be able to preview how various clothing items will look on them before committing to a purchase. It will help reduce the environmental impact of fast fashion by allowing shoppers to assess whether a particular item is suitable for them before making a purchase. VR technology will enable customers to see products in 3D and different colors and configurations, leading to more informed purchasing decisions. It can also help reduce returns and improve customer satisfaction by allowing customers to "try on" clothes and accessories without physically going to the store. It would also eliminate the need for physical showrooms and reduce overhead costs for retailers. Retailers could use VR technology to create personalized shopping experiences for customers tailored to their interests and preferences. Brands can add the opportunity for a customer to ask questions and communicate with them just as if they had a conversation with the consultant in a store. Additionally, VR technology could be used to create virtual assistants to help customers navigate the virtual store and provide personalized product recommendations.

Here are some of the already available VR apps for virtual shopping and product visualization:

  • IKEA VR Experience - this app allows customers to experience a virtual IKEA store, where they can explore different rooms and interact with furniture and home accessories. Customers can visualize how various products would look in their own homes and even change the colors and fabrics of furniture pieces.

  • Obsess - This platform allows retailers to create virtual stores and showrooms using VR technology. It also provides advanced analytics to help retailers understand user behavior and preferences.

  • The Audi e-tron GT virtual showroom - a VR experience that allows customers to explore and customize the Audi e-tron GT. In the virtual showroom, customers can view the Audi e-tron GT in high-resolution 3D, customize the exterior and interior of the car with a variety of options, and even take the car for a virtual test drive. The experience is designed to provide a more immersive and interactive way for customers to explore the features and capabilities of the Audi e-tron GT, and to help them make more informed buying decisions.

Virtual Reality in Sports

The way we consume sports is undergoing a transformation with the advent of VR technology. Several VR companies now specialize in streaming live sports events in VR, allowing fans to watch games from the NBA, NFL, and other leagues in an immersive and engaging way. The use of VR technology in sports broadcasting is an excellent way of making live sports events more accessible to fans who cannot travel to the venue or afford the cost of tickets. VR allows them to experience the thrill of the game in a more immersive way and creates a sense of presence, which is particularly beneficial for fans who cannot physically attend the events. Thus, NBC provided VR coverage of the Beijing Olympics. It was available to viewers in the United States who had access to the NBC Sports VR app.

VR's impact on the sports industry will only grow in the future. VR technology could create even more engaging and immersive sports broadcasts, allowing fans to feel like they are part of the action even when they are watching from home. VR technology is already being used to help athletes train and recover from injuries. Still, as the technology improves, it could become an even more essential part of the training and rehabilitation process. VR could be used to simulate game scenarios in even more detail, allowing athletes to practice and prepare for real-world situations more effectively. VR could be used to help athletes avoid injuries by simulating dangerous scenarios in a controlled environment. For example, a football player could practice tackling without the risk of injury, or a skier could practice navigating tricky terrain in a virtual environment. As VR technology improves, holding virtual competitions that are just as exciting and competitive as real-world events may become possible. It could open up new opportunities for athletes and fans alike.

Here are some of the best VR apps for immersive training experiences and engaging fan experiences in the world of sports.

  • BT Sport App - a popular app offering 360-degree VR experience currently available for selected football (soccer) matches, including Premier League and Champions League games and selected rugby matches. 

  • STRIVR - a VR training platform used by numerous professional sports teams and organizations to improve athlete performance. With STRIVR, coaches and trainers can create realistic simulations of game scenarios, allowing athletes to train in a more immersive and realistic environment. It helps athletes develop better skills and improve their performance on the field.

  • Virtex Stadium - a popular VR app that is being used to provide engaging fan experiences in the world of sports. This app allows fans to experience live sporting events in a completely new way, with features such as live game streaming and virtual merchandise stores. Virtex Arena also includes interactive experiences that allow fans to participate in challenges and compete against each other.

Virtual Reality in Manufacturing

VR is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry by introducing innovative ways to simulate and optimize manufacturing processes, train employees, and improve overall productivity. Global giants like Ford, Airbus, Boeing, ABB Robotics, and Honeywell leverage VR technology in their manufacturing processes and employee training programs. For instance, Ford is enhancing its assembly line processes by implementing virtual reality, while Airbus has introduced a VR-based training program for its assembly line workers. Boeing has developed a VR training program to allow mechanics and engineers to practice complex maintenance procedures on virtual aircraft components. ABB Robotics has been using VR to train workers on programming and operating robots in a simulated environment, and Honeywell has been utilizing VR to design and test its industrial control systems. These are just a few examples of how VR is transforming the manufacturing industry.

The potential for VR to transform the manufacturing industry is vast and varied, and we expect to see more companies adopting this technology in the years to come. VR can revolutionize the product design and prototyping process, saving significant costs associated with physical prototyping, especially for complex machinery. VR is also an excellent tool for training, particularly in the industrial sector, where safety is paramount. It provides an immersive and safe environment for training in dangerous careers, which is difficult to replicate with simulators. Additionally, VR enables remote maintenance and repair of complex manufacturing equipment, eliminating time and space constraints for inspection. It can also serve as a cost-effective marketing and sales tool by allowing potential customers to experience products and equipment in a virtual environment. Finally, VR can help overcome challenges faced by heavy machinery manufacturers at trade shows, eliminating the need for physical space and logistics. Exhibitors can showcase machinery through VR apps, allowing visitors to experience the technology without endangerment.

Here are some of the top VR apps for simulation and training in manufacturing:

  • Siemens Tecnomatix is one of the most popular VR apps for manufacturing simulation and training. It provides a 3D virtual environment to simulate complex manufacturing processes, such as assembly lines and robotics, allowing users to identify and eliminate potential issues before production begins. With Tecnomatix, manufacturers can optimize their production processes, reduce waste, and improve efficiency, all while minimizing the risk of accidents and equipment damage.

  • ESI IC.IDO - a VR app designed for manufacturing simulation and training. It allows users to create a 3D virtual environment and simulate the assembly and disassembly of complex products, such as airplanes or cars. IC.IDO provides a realistic virtual environment that enables users to perform virtual testing and optimize manufacturing processes, ensuring that the final product is safe and high-quality.

  • EON Reality AVR Platform - a VR platform that provides a range of simulation and training tools for manufacturing, including equipment operation and maintenance, assembly line training, and safety training. It uses immersive 3D environments to provide a more engaging and realistic experience.

  • TRANSFR VR - a training platform that uses VR simulations to teach skills and procedures for manufacturing jobs. It provides a range of training scenarios, from assembly line work to machine operation and maintenance.

Virtual Reality in Tourism

In 2015, Thomas Cook, one of the world's most well-known tour operators, offering package holidays to dozens of destinations worldwide, launched the "Try Before You Fly" VR experience in their stores in various countries. Said experience included a five-minute virtual tour of popular tourist destinations like New York, Singapore, and Mauritius. This approach allowed potential holidaymakers to experience the holiday in VR before booking it. As a result, there was a 190% uplift in New York excursion bookings after people tried the 5-minute version of the holiday in VR.

The pandemic expanded the use of VR in tourism. The lockdown period has made many of us miss the joy of traveling and experiencing new cultures, but VR has emerged as an exciting solution. With VR, you can embark on guided tours of famous landmarks or explore exotic destinations, all without leaving your living room. Whether you want to stroll through the charming streets of Paris, soak up the sun on a Caribbean beach, or hike through the Himalayas, VR can instantly transport you there. VR provides a valuable alternative to physical travel.

With the continued evolution of VR technology, we can expect to see even more immersive and engaging virtual travel experiences that allow people to satisfy their wanderlust, learn about new cultures, explore new destinations, and broaden their horizons, all from the comfort and safety of their own homes. VR could also be used to create virtual guides for tour operators that provide customized recommendations and insights based on the traveler's interests and preferences. VR could also be used to enhance travel-related education and training. For example, travel agents and tour guides could use VR to provide training on new destinations or to familiarize themselves with a particular location before leading a tour. Another possible use of VR is providing educational content on different cultures and customs, helping to promote greater cross-cultural understanding and empathy.

There are many popular VR software apps available in tourism, some of which include:

  • Google Earth VR - allows users to explore the world in 3D and visit famous landmarks and cities. The app also offers a "Street View" feature, which lets users explore street-level views of famous locations worldwide.

  • YouVisit - offers virtual tours of various destinations, including museums, landmarks, and universities.

  • VR Gorilla - offers VR documentaries of travel destinations and cultural events.

  • National Geographic Explore VR - allows users to explore exotic locations and engage with wildlife.

  • Google Expeditions - a VR app that allows users to go on virtual field trips to places all around the world. It uses 360-degree panoramic views and 3D images to create an immersive experience for users, allowing them to explore landmarks, natural wonders, and cultural attractions as if they were actually there. The app is often used in classrooms as an educational tool, but it can also be used by anyone who wants to explore the world from their home.

Virtual Reality in Gaming and Entertainment

We can not pass by the gaming and entertainment industries, the pioneers in adopting VR technology, as these industries continue to be prime examples of their diverse applications. VR already has a significant presence in online gaming, enhancing players' experiences with immersive and interactive gameplay. Moreover, VR is also making its way into cinemas and theme parks, offering visitors an opportunity to embark on movie-like adventures, offering a unique and engaging experience that blurs the line between reality and imagination.

VR has the potential to completely transform the gaming and entertainment industries. With VR, gaming experiences will become even more immersive, allowing users to enter virtual worlds and interact with them in new and innovative ways. VR can offer users experiences that would otherwise be impossible or too expensive to experience in real life. For example, VR experiences can take users to the heights of a mountain or even outer space. VR could also lead to the creation of new genres of games specifically designed for the unique features of VR, such as the ability to move around in a virtual space and interact with objects more realistically. VR could also lead to more social gaming experiences, where players can interact with each other in a virtual space. VR could also lead to the creation of entirely new forms of entertainment, such as immersive theater experiences, the possibility of attending concerts and music events from the comfort of users' homes, or interactive storytelling by placing users in the center of the action.

Here are some of the best VR apps for immersive gaming and entertainment experiences:

  • Beat Saber - a VR rhythm game that challenges users to slice through beats with virtual lightsabers. It has been praised for its addictive gameplay, high-quality graphics, and intuitive controls.

  • Half-Life - a VR first-person shooter game set in the Half-Life universe, valued for its immersive gameplay, impressive graphics, and innovative use of VR technology.

  • Job Simulator - a VR game that simulates a variety of mundane jobs, such as a chef, office worker, or store clerk, offering humorous gameplay and innovative use of VR technology.

  • Rec Room - a social VR platform that allows users to play games and interact with other users in a virtual world. It has been praised for its social features, immersive gameplay, and wide variety of games and activities.

  • Pokerstars VR - a virtual reality poker game that allows players to play poker in a fully immersive virtual environment. Players create their own customizable avatars, interact with other players and observe their body language, just like they would at a physical poker table. 

  • No Man's Sky - a popular open-world exploration and survival video game. With VR mode added to it as part of a free update, it allows players to experience the game's vast universe in virtual reality, giving them a heightened sense of immersion and presence in the game's world.

  • BigScreen VR - a VR software application that allows users to create and join virtual rooms where they can watch movies, play games, and hang out with friends in a virtual environment.

  • Amaze VR - a VR software application offering immersive virtual reality experiences of live concerts and events, providing high-quality VR experiences of live music performances.

In conclusion, although VR technology is still in the early stage of development, its potential to revolutionize industries and enhance our daily lives is truly inspiring. The evolution of VR has already unlocked numerous possibilities across various industries, ranging from entertainment to healthcare, education to manufacturing, and beyond. It's worth noting that the use cases mentioned above are just a fraction of what VR can offer. Technology is also making significant changes in other sectors, such as marketing, law enforcement, military, transportation, agriculture, and more. As VR continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative and creative applications emerge. And with more businesses and individuals exploring the potential of VR, it can quickly become an integral part of our daily routine.

Reading time 21 min 35 sec


Charlie Lambropoulos


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